Monday, July 4, 2011

Friends That Let Their Friends Buy Clothes That Don't Fit

Happy Fourth of July.

Ever seen a muffin top? I'm not talking about the kind you eat.
I'm talking about the overhang on someone that is wearing someone that does not flatter their body type. This isn't a bash on overweight people, but what friends told them this was good looking on them? Really people? Who are you trying to attract? Mirrors don't lie, so even if you are by yourself, make sure those skinny jeans don't make your ass look as wide as a semi. If you have any doubts, buy something different. Annoyance level: Two belt loops

Friday, July 1, 2011

People that pee on Toliet Seats

While simply sterile water, a urine soaked toilet seat is one of the most digusting scenes to come across when you have to use the restroom. Can you please take a few seconds to aim? This doesn't just happen in bars when people's vision is blurry. It happened to me yesterday during a break from my work computer. Seriously people? Sit the hell down or go outside like a dog. Annoyance Level: 4 yellow drops.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Apple Brand Knitwits

So there are people out there that annoy me. These people are Apple fanatics...Applenatics. They are under the delusion that every product that Apple comes out with is the best thing since...the last thing that Apple came out with. Individuals bearing this moniker will buy any item Apple peddles regardless of whether they need it or not. You can spot them easily in your car because they have the Apple logo on their rear window, pledging their undying allegiance to a brand that overcharges consumers because these morons will actually pay it. How many Apple products do I own? Zero. Annoyance level: two apple cores.

10 Products Apple Made that People Actually Bought

Friday, June 24, 2011

Chronic Facebook Posters

Social media has exploded in recent years and only seems to be getting bigger. To avoid being called a hypocrite, I engage in using Facebook as well. What really chaps my ass in those individuals who post every single thing they do on it. We don't care that you ran to the grocery store and "totally save $5 on milk and eggs" or "blasted your pecs at the gym." Get over yourself. Do something with your life instead of micro-cast your trivial daily happenings. Annoyance Level: One double click.

Monday, June 20, 2011

People that use hazard lights while moving

I'm not sure if you have come across these people in your travels, but I have. I refer to them as "morons." Apparently during their driving test, they forgot to read the laws concerning flashing lights. I am specifically talking about hazard lights. Now in your state or country there may be different laws, but here in Florida you can't use hazard lights unless you are legally on the side of the road AND not moving (see statute here.) I'm sure in other parts of the world, there is weather called "rain." It's small to big drops of water that fall from the sky when mother nature decides it's a good time. A lot of people that live in Florida somehow have not experienced this natural event and believe their vehicle will be badgered by these "drops" if they don't slow down to a crawl and turn on their hazard lights, or "rain repellers." Annoyance Level: Four flashes.

Friday, June 17, 2011

People that let their dogs relieve themselves in stairwells of apts

This is where the dog should actually be going.
So my girlfriend lives in an apartment building that doesn't really have a first floor since there are businesses below. Some residents are so freaking lazy, they let their dogs pee or crap in the stairwells of this apartment complex because they don't want to walk outside to a grassy area or other suitable place for their pet to relieve themselves. I hope you wastes of space don't ever pro create, because the world is not yours to destroy. Move, start a fitness plan or better yet, do everyone a favor and give your dog to someone who actually cares. Annoyance level: Pissed.

Monday, June 13, 2011

People that can't park

Do people EVER consider how something as little as parking would annoy so many? In this picture I actually witnessed a butthead who came in the wrong way on a one way street and decided they were going to park straight in instead of at an angle like everyone else. I was hoping the gentleman would see me take a picture of his car so I could tell him what a shitty parker he was. For more instances of bad parking jobs check out the site below. You can also print out "citations" to give out when you see fit.

You Park Like An Asshole