Monday, July 4, 2011

Friends That Let Their Friends Buy Clothes That Don't Fit

Happy Fourth of July.

Ever seen a muffin top? I'm not talking about the kind you eat.
I'm talking about the overhang on someone that is wearing someone that does not flatter their body type. This isn't a bash on overweight people, but what friends told them this was good looking on them? Really people? Who are you trying to attract? Mirrors don't lie, so even if you are by yourself, make sure those skinny jeans don't make your ass look as wide as a semi. If you have any doubts, buy something different. Annoyance level: Two belt loops

Friday, July 1, 2011

People that pee on Toliet Seats

While simply sterile water, a urine soaked toilet seat is one of the most digusting scenes to come across when you have to use the restroom. Can you please take a few seconds to aim? This doesn't just happen in bars when people's vision is blurry. It happened to me yesterday during a break from my work computer. Seriously people? Sit the hell down or go outside like a dog. Annoyance Level: 4 yellow drops.